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- Primary decoration method: screen printing
- Imprint location is on the front pocket center with an imprint dimension of 3" W x 4"H.
- Dimensions: 18" L x 13" H x 4" W
There are few things in life that do their job as well as an everyday tote bag. After all, they solve a simple problem: the inconvenience of having a lot of things to carry but no good place to put them. But this Gemline Baltic Blue Pattern Tori Cotton Fashion Tote is more than just a mere problem-solver. Add your custom logo to the side with Merchology and it can also be a way to represent your brand. Turn it into a gift, a prize, a promotional piece-whatever your company or event needs to do in order to raise its profile. After all, who's going to turn down a tote bag, especially a tote of this quality? No one, that's who. The minimum order for this product is 50 pieces.Highlights
- Primary decoration method: screen printing
- Imprint location is on the front pocket center with an imprint dimension of 3" W x 4"H.
- Dimensions: 18" L x 13" H x 4" W